Harvest time is a busy time here at Hidden Valley B & B
For weeks already we have been harvesting rhubarb, saskatoons, raspberries and hascap berries on a daily basis, eating and serving them fresh to our guests, and putting them away in the freezer for future pies, crisps, country puddings, plus jams and jellies.
We have been eating fresh organic produce out of the garden by way of tomatoes, cucumbers, green onions, fresh herbs, lettuce varieties, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, beets, spinach, swiss chard, kale and the like all summer. Now, as the approach of winter is upon us, we have cleared the garden and greenhouses out completely…..always a sad and satisfying time.
We have put up a store of sauerkraut and have packaged all of our root vegetables and stored them in our cold room, and have frozen and blanched all others. Whenever I do this, I often think of how important this process was for our early ancestors to this country!! There were no supermarkets within a short distance drive, and everything they worked for all summer long, had to sustain them through the cold, long winters. For us here, at Hidden Valley, it is just the satisfaction of having fresh organic food at our finger-tips.
I also love the fact that the water we drink is from a fresh water well. In most other areas of Canada fall approaches in a serious way in the month of October. For us it is September and many of our residents begin the serious process of hunting for fresh organic wild game as well. We are deeply appreciative to Mother Nature for all of the Blessing and Abundance she bestows upon us.
Sincere wishes for a Bountiful Fall Season!! Eva